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We seek to generate a positive impact by being the engines in our communities and using that power as a catalyst.

Giving back and taking an active part by promoting the area and supporting the local providers. Showcasing the vast richness of our emplacements & destinations, and acknowledging the value of our heritage, culture, and proximate environment.

Celebrating the essence of a place by bringing together its people and its history. Letting its stories be told through its flavors, colors, music, sounds, and traditions. The integration of natural beauty and heritage.

Young Training Program

As part of our commitment to have a positive impact on our communities, we have created a training programme for young people at risk of social exclusion, to help them enter the workforce by learning a trade in the hospitality sector. 

How does it work? 

A young person is hired for a paid work programme, including a training plan on a specific area of luxury hospitality, with a instructor’s guidance and support from the Único Hotels team.
The young person will obtain a certificate on completing the programme, certifying both verifiable work experience and participation in an intense training programme at one of the Único Hotels’ luxury hotels. These young people will provide additional support to the resources required to operate each hotel.

Programme resources:

We consider such an initiative very worthy of support. As such, we are asking our customers to make a €1 donation when paying their bill for staying at any of our hotels.
Único Hotels will contribute another €4 for every €1 collected to generate the total amount needed to hire the candidates for each programme.
We strongly believe that this firm and tangible commitment to at least 3 young people each year will really change their outlook both in life and for their future job prospects.

Other Actions

  • We firmly believe and foment the positive impact of the "visitor economy" in our communities and destinations. Encouraging respect and promoting the cultural and natural heritage of our environment as well as acting as a growth engine for the local trade.
  • The selection of our suppliers is led by proximity-based criteria. Local and seasonal foods are favoured.
  • We constantly offer activities focused on guests well-being . E.g. cultural talks, bike rides or yoga retreats.
  • Transparency is a key driver when it comes to accounting. We strictly follow audit obligations, we register our accounts so that the information is made public and we consolidate to offer complete information.

          For information on many more actions: info@unicohotels.com.